- No Contract
- Results Driven
- Motivating
- Great Value
- Cardio
- Toning
- Outdoors
- All Fitness Levels
- Equipment Provided
- Fun

Tired of training in the gym? Bored of doing the same old exercises? Finding it hard to get motivated?
Then join our one hour Group Fitness sessions in the great outdoors and let our experienced Personal Trainers motivate and encourage you to increase your fitness and tone-up up your body.
Sessions are suitable for all fitness levels and incorporate a mix of cardio, toning and strength exercises ensuring a great full-body workout.
There is no need to book, just click on the sign up button and complete an online enrolment form before coming for the first time.
Cost is only $125.00 for 10 sessions or $15.00 a session ($85 & $10.00 respectively a session for full-time students). The 10 session card may be used for both our Group Fitness and Group Boxing sessions and you will only pay for a maximum of two sessions a week.
Session Times
5.30am: Ashgrove Sports Ground, Yoku Rd, Ashgrove
5.30am:Ashgrove Sports Ground, Yoku Rd, Ashgrove
9.15am: Ashgrove Sports Ground, Yoku Rd, Ashgrove
7.00am: Anzac Park, Dean St, Toowong